Accept All Odds And Line Changes

Against All Odds

By BlueRaven

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Disclaimers: Xena and Gabrielledon’t belong to me, never did and never will, they belong to those big peoples atRenPic and USA (used to be Universal), but I’m borrowing them for a bit. The othercharacters are mine though as well as this story, kay…

Sex: Umm, No, kinda…well it’snot subtext – exactly – I ‘spose, it’s kinda me using the words'love' 'soulmate' and 'partner' extremely liberally, but notone kiss on the lips. These are two women who care for each other deeply, and do, yes,love each other.

Violence, Language: Only a bit ofviolence, nothing graphic, and a couple of bad words, but not much (like 2 or 3)…oh,there is a part where it might get a bit squeamish, it’s not the violence, it’sthe description.

I’m a bard, albeit a new one, buthopefully a least an okay writer. The only way I’ll know I did a decent job is if youwrite to me, okay? Okay, trashing will be ignored, but constructive criticism is alwayswelcomed.

Chapter 1

'No, no, no!'

'Why ever not? What ever happened tothat ‘You’re above the greater good’ stuff you always told me?!'Gabrielle shouted angrily, 'Why choose Akemi’s freedom over our love? You meanthe world to me…why can’t you get that through your thick, stubborn head for onemoment and think of us? Why do these past years mean nothing to you when your past comesup out of no where…it’s not your fault, not this time.'

'Gabrielle, I can feel it, this is theright…' Xena started calmly, trying to soften the fire lit between them.

'Thing to do' the angry womanfinished, the words dripping disdainfully from her tongue as she continued on,'Leaving me,' Gabrielle spat with contempt, 'That’s all you ever do,one way or the other, how is that ‘the right thing to do’?'

Gabrielle sighed heavily and sat, ratherplopped, down on the makeshift cot on the ship as she ran frustrated hands through croppedblond hair. They were heading back to Greece before Egypt and would make it in only a fewdays from now if the winds remained favorable. Gabrielle thought that she might tell whatfamily they had left about what happened. The bard-turned-warrior fingered the chakramwhich lay on top of her blue gi and the brown hakama: both reminders of their trip toJapa. Looking at it in thought, she turned her eyes to the figure only she could see andhear.

'We were supposed to spend the rest ofour lives together,' she said quietly as a lone tear found a path out of her greeneyes.

'Gabrielle,' the dark-haired womansaid, taking a breath and sitting next to the smaller woman. She pulled her into a gentlehug, draping her arm over the bard’s shoulders. 'If there were a way that Icould change any of this, without forsaking the freedom I gave those souls and bebrought back to you, then I’d take it.'

'You make it sound so easy warriorprincess…if there is a chance, I’m bringing you back, no questions and nostopping me.' The blond sounded almost playful, but the serious tones resonated inher words.

'What are you gonna do with those?'Xena asked, nodding to the Japanese attire of the fighter and the katana as she tried toalter the line of conversation somewhat.

'I don’t know, it would be so mucheasier to keep the sword, if not…if not for everything that’s happened these inthis past weeks…has it even been months?' Xena nodded solemnly, 'Yesmonths; first traveling to Japa, your death… my attempted resurrection before youstopped me – both took place in two days though – and now, coming home. Nottimeless, nor forever, but,' sighing, 'a long time nonetheless. The clothesI’ll keep; them being just another reminder, another souvenir of our vasttravels…'

Xena nodded and thought it best to let theconversation die calmly. The small warrior in her arms began to feel heavy and she laidher down gently on the cot. Brushing back the stray golden hairs from her fair, she kissedher cheek.

'I love you Gabrielle,' shewhispered. Those were the last words Gabrielle heard before entering Morpheus’srealm.

Gabrielle wandered through the forest ofJapa, not quite knowing what she was looking for, just searching. It was eerily silent.She saw two figures before her, but couldn’t make out who they were with their facesconcealed. She jogged up to them, not knowing why when there was the familiar sound of asword slicing through the air and then flesh; the sound of sloshing blood was heard.Gabrielle opened her mouth, terrified at the sightbefore her. She gagged, as if tovomit and wanted to turn around, but couldn’t; something was forcing her to watch.

Xena’s carcass fell, her head rollingoff with a sickening ease. The now freshly slain body of her best friend and love laystrewn on the ground before her; her killer, no murderer, standing above her in victorywith his blood soaked katana raised in the glory of the kill. The warrior-bard could onlystare with wide, horrified eyes and cringe in utter disgust, much too shocked to doanything but look on helplessly at her soulmate. He turned towards Gabrielle, his faceblank. Tears were coming to her eyes when she next saw Xena’s body hung up nude, andgrotesquely mutilated with arrows, cuts and bruises, and her headlessshoulders…speaking muted words of horror.

Gabrielle was squirming violently, her bodydrenched in sweat. A gentle hand shook her awake to relieve her of her nighttime terror.

'NO!' she shouted in utter angst.Sitting up suddenly, she found herself sweating and panting in the small ship’scabin, her limbs shaking in sheer shock though she had seen it to be all to real before.It was a nightmare, a horrible nightmare. She witnessed Xena’s death, and then herown reaction all over again to the sickening sight of Xena’s corpse hung up for themaggots. The emotional pain flowed over her in currents of tears. She felt strong armsenvelope her and rock her rhythmically, trying to calm her down.

'Shhhh, it’s okay, I’m herenow,' Xena’s soft voice whispered.

'No, no…why that way, whynow?!' She asked no one in particular, and panting through the heavy breaths wroughtby her sobbing. She knew Xena heard her cries, but she didn’t care…she justspoke the words feverishly, though no illness was to be found aside from the hot temperthat tormented her heart. Xena kissed her head softly, while whispering calming words intoher partner’s ear and continued to rock her until the tears subsided.

'I saw it Xena…' she said,sniffling, her voice unsteady and cracking, 'I saw you die, it was awful. There wasso much blood,' She nuzzled into the dead woman’s shoulder, finding some comfortin her ability to be held by this tangible ghost that was Xena.

'It’ll be all right in theend,' Xena told her softly.

'We’re going to get you backXena,' Gabrielle said, her voice husky from crying, 'this I swear.'

Xena just looked at her thoughtfully, notsaying anything for, or against her little warrior. Right now, there was no need to becontemplating the issue, just comfort and hope were all she had to offer and accept.

Gabrielle stood out on deck, taking in theafternoon sea air she had become so accustomed to. They were almost home, the captain hadsaid Greece’s shore had been spotted, and they should be there by next light.

'Home…' she drew out the wordand sighed. Seems like everywhere is their, her home. Xena’s home would be in herheart, she knew that, but it wasn’t enough. Wanting to forget, she grabbed herKatana, if anything she could try some exercises to ease her mind. She did a simple kata,closing her eyes to feel the motions, she stepped in and out, mentally blocking andparrying unseen enemies. Through closed eyes, she tried to calm her mind in vain; imagesfrom her nightmares failed to cease, even in daylight, and tormented her. Images flashedthrough her mind: Xena’s body, hung up and tortured, even in its unfeeling state. Sheshook her head and grimaced, trying to shake the imagery. A pool of blood – nowGabrielle’s strokes and maneuvers became more aggressive as she fought the memoriesof terror. Xena’s murderer; the angered woman violently sliced a chair nearby infrustration, and sobs came forth. She knelt down and tried to collect herself before shefelt a hand on her shoulder. She would have been startled if she hadn’t already knownit was Xena…just the feel of her presence told her so when she touched her.

'I’m fine Xena…I just need tocope, that’s all. We’ll be home soon.'

Xena just nodded, 'Yeah,sure…' she said uneasily, and worrisome for Gabrielle. Before the blond womancould turn on her heals, she added, 'Gabrielle…about last night, just thinkabout what you risk doing by setting me free from death, even if you can manage it.'

'I have, and I know that I want you backin my life, alive.'


'No, Xena, listen to me…I love you,it’s that simple. Yes, souls are at risk, but I would do anything to bring you back.For once look at it my way. You committed an accident, it was not planned; itwasn’t murder…why take responsibility for that? Why put Akemi over me? Why putforty thousand souls, none of which even had faces, over us? Why loose everythingwe’ve devoted to each other in this life over guilt? Why deny yourself happiness?'She spoke the last one with exasperation, her eyes almost pleading her case. Shecouldn’t be angry with the warrior, but she never really understood her sometimes.

With a quiet, forced resignation in hervoice, Gabrielle looked away and said quietly to her own soul’s companion,'Xena, the way I see it you have two choices: to live again or stay dead…'She took a deep breath, almost regretting what she would say next, 'If you choosedeath I might…well,' she looked up a beat and turned to look over the smallship’s wooden railing, 'let’s try not to speculate what I’d do.'She grinned weakly, trying to hide her sorrow.

'Gabrielle…' Xena was worriednow, her eyes held her own fear, she swallowed, 'you…you’re' her handwent her forehead and she shook her head in disbelief, 'you’re not going to killyourself, are you?!' she nearly gasped out.

Gabrielle nodded solemnly, biting her lip,'If that’s what it takes to be with you, Xena.' She lifted her head to meetthe face of her dead soulmate, 'It’s either that, or I have to let you gocompletely.' She shook her head, 'I can’t live like this, with you so closeand not being all here…it’s too much for me, too much pain on my soul; I justcan’t.' She looked up, her emerald eyes making a silent plea to her friend.

Xena felt a tear trickle down her cheek. Shewouldn’t admit, at least out loud, that Gabrielle was right. She walked over to thedistraught bard slowly. Placing both her hands on the muscled shoulders of her companion,she looked into deep green eyes. There was a beat of silence. With a quiet, shaky voiceshe said, 'I can’t decide that right now. I’ll think about it, Ipromise.' She turned to leave when Gabrielle pulled her back.

'Don’t take too long, I need this.I love you, Xena.'

'I know,' she whispered, 'metoo.'

Chapter 2

Gabrielle walked through the streets ofAthens admiring the products and people of the marketplace. For the time being, shethought about wearing her gi and hakama as it was late fall and cooling; she would buymore native gear in time. So, as a foreigner she would look. Often people would turn headsto look at her. She looked as one of them, her features speaking of the Greek, but herclothes were strikingly different, unlike any of them had seen, and some had seen much.She walked as if with someone, and then alone. Many of them noted the aura offormidability though many of the younger and inexperienced men, and some of the morestupid or ignorant ones, ignored it. This woman had seen a lot in her time – whichdidn’t seem like a lot, she looked to be in her mid to late twenties on first guess.Some looked warily at her, as if she were some sort of evil, different as she was.

'Who is she?'

'Where does she come from?'

'A woman shouldn’t be paradingaround with a sword,' and many more questioning criticisms were the murmuring amongthe common townsfolk. She smiled inwardly at people’s assumptions. They could thinkanything they wanted, it didn’t matter. She moved to the side quickly as two boys,maybe seven or eight years of age ran through the markets, waving wooden makeshift swordswildly through the air. She grinned and shook her head, in reminiscing thought. Oh how shewanted to be a warrior, just like Xena…the boys will grow up, innocent of life untilthey make that first kill, then everything will change.

'Everything,' she whispered toherself as she reflected on her life since she meeting Xena.

'Evweething, what?' a small girlasked, standing by (who one would presume to be) her mother as she bought goods for thehome. It was then that Gabrielle realized that she was standing in the middle of thestreet, doing nothing, and probably looking funny to foreign eyes. She smiled, inwardlylaughing at herself before kneeling down to the girl’s height.

'Hi there, what’s your name?'she asked the girl.

'Liana,' she said, blushing withchildhood shyness. 'I’m thith many,' she said proudly, holding up fourfingers.

'Well, Liana, my name’s Gabrielle,do you think your mama knows where I can find a horse dealer and a place to sleep fortonight?'

Gabrielle heard a low chuckle beside her andgrinned, shaking her head slightly in the knowledge that only she heard it.

'Ummm... Gabwielle, I haf to ask my mamafertht'

'Okay,' she said smiling, and stoodup. She leaned over and through to whisper in Xena’s ear, 'Now, what was sofunny?'

'Nothing,' Xena saidmatter-of-factly, 'just that you’re so good with children.'

'Uh huh,' Gabrielle repliedskeptically before turning towards the mentioned mother, smiling.

'You wish to seek board at my house forthe night? Do I get that correctly?' asked the other woman, who perhaps looked closeto Gabrielle’s own age.


'Yes, I have traveled for many, manynights and seek shelter, and perhaps you know where I can buy a horse as well?'Gabrielle waited as the woman mentally appraised her.

'You are welcome into our humble Greekhome, though please, come to the door tonight, and ask my husband for his hospitality. Iwill give you directions, and please, call me Selaea.' The woman smiled.

'Thank you for your hospitality Selaea,I am honored to be a guest, I must say goodbye for now, I have to pick up somesupplies,' after getting directions to their farmhouse, she looked down and waved,'bye Liana,' and then to Selaea bid her farewell.

Gabrielle smiled satisfactorily, forgettingthat Selaea failed to give her any information about the horse, and looked at Xena whosmiled back. Now, she had to buy some supplies. She walked around the marketplace, andbought various items: fruit, dried meats, spices, and other immediate necessities. Shealso bought a sharpening stone of her own. She almost missed the scroll vender. She turnedto look at his products: the scrolls, the rolled up parchments she desired so in her earlyyears. So long since she had time to write, let alone feel anything to write about. Somuch had changed. The words came with more difficulty now. She felt saddened by thisrevelation, though she had thought about it before. But now it just hit her, along withall of the 'full circle' concepts that have dawned upon her matured soul inrecent years with Xena. Sighing, she decided to buy a couple; it couldn’t hurt…for old time’s sake.

She heard the men, four of them, approachingbehind her, but said and did nothing. ‘Not unless provoked’, she had toldherself countless times after a particular incident more than, well, twenty seven yearsago counting the twenty-five they slept in their icy tomb. It had been on that day thatshe was being suspicious, ever too cautious, of this one man. She thought he had drawn aweapon. Ha! It was a handkerchief. Maybe that’s why she had originally chosen thestaff. Now more than ever she contemplated going back to it as her weapon of choice; whileit could be lethal, bloodshed was not it’s intent.

The men stopped behind her, and werewhispering amongst themselves. One stepped forward; she could feel his presence behindher. Looking up, she eyed the vendor apologetically, and turned around. With her face amask of cool confidence, she looked up into the taller man’s eyes. There was adisadvantage to being shorter, but through the years she learned to walk as if she were astall as Xena. That helped.

'Can I help you, sir?' Gabrielleasked him coolly.

‘This woman is more than I thought, thisshould be fun,’ he thought. He had noted her strong presence, even for a woman soyoung and small, but chose to deny it. What damage can a woman do anyway?

'Yes, my name is Thalus, I’mlooking for a woman…short, wearing strange clothes, she bears a sword, and I’mabout to make her mine – whether she likes it or not!' He leered at her with hisintent evident before lunging at her.

‘ typical,’ Gabriellethought momentarily as she dodged out of the way swiftly. 'You don’t want to bedoing this, I suggest you leave before somebody gets hurt,' she said.

'The only one who will be hurt is you,dressing like a man, and carrying a sword…what could be more absurd than that?! Noteven watching a fish try to run on land. It’s a dangerous world, and if youdon’t cooperate with me little girl, I’m afraid I’ll be your first lessonin how dangerous it can really be!' Thalus drew his sword and waved it through theair amateurishly though a threat nevertheless.

'Don’t be underestimating what youknow nothing about!' Gabrielle nearly shouted. She bore the defensive stance, readyto reach down for her sais at a moment’s notice.

'You talk big for a woman!' Helunged, and she feinted off to the side, dodging him completely. She quickly grabbed hersais and took up a defensive stance. Thalus shook himself, and turned around. Bringing hissword up and then back down in an overhead strike, he lunged at her again. This time shethrust the hooked ends of her sais upwards, catching the sword mid-stroke; she twisted herwrist, locking the sword between the prongs. Then with the practiced ease of a fighter shekicked him twice in the gut, before releasing the sword, and delivering a spinningback-kick to her assailant’s jaw. Gabrielle backed off a few paces, catching herquickened breath, and giving herself room to take another attack, but hoping her currentopponents would cease from the fight and leave her to her business.

It was the latter, at least for now.'You bitch! You just lost me some teeth, damn wench!' Thalus shouted through hisclenched teeth, as he gripped his aching jaw; a trickle of blood spewed from his mouth andhe was breathing heavily. He turned to leave, his comrades following in suit.

Gabrielle sighed, and shook her head. With ahint of sadness, she spoke to herself quietly, 'And you talk big for adog…'

She turned around to find the street vendorselling scrolls was still there. It was obvious he was a bit shaken by the recent fight,but he managed to regain most of his composure. Smiling, she pointed to some lambskinparchments and a bottle of thick, black ink. 'I think I’ll buy three of thoseand a bottle of ink, thanks.' She reached into her purse and gave him the moneybefore heading off and hoping that there would be no more adventures for the day.

The street vendor looked on after her, andwas oddly puzzled by what he saw: as the small woman warrior left the market grounds, sheseemed to be leaning into some invisible, or imaginary object and talking to it as shewould a person. He continued to stare when she grinned, and laughed at air, shaking herhead. She only smiled and continued to walk on. ‘She’s either very insane orthere’s more than I’m seeing at hand...’ he thought awkwardly. Shaking hishead, he began to speak to his next customer, 'That will be four dinars sir.'

Chapter 3

'You know I like the way you handledyourself back there,' Xena said, after about a half-hour’s walk from themarketplace. She looked a little sad; her bard could take care of herself. Xena knew shecould do it all the time for a long while now; she never denied Gabrielle’scapabilities as a fighter. It just saddened her at times to know that she was no longer anecessary part of Gabrielle’s life in that aspect of what their years together hadbrought to her.

'Thanks, I wish some peoplewouldn’t be so damned arrogant, I really wished he would just go away,'Gabrielle sighed and shook her head, 'You think we should be heading to Selaea’shouse now?' She asked, looking at the sun and mentally noting that they had a couplehours before nightfall.

'Hmm…' Xena pondered this amoment, 'As I recall, you wanted to find a horse dealer?'

'Yeah, and your point? I can find ahorse in most places, but that’s not,' she emphasized this by poking thetangible ghost firmly in her chest, 'what I was asking, now was it, warrior?'The dark woman just grinned, and shook her head in agreement. Gabrielle just eyed hersuspiciously, as anyone who has been with this particular warrior for as long as she haswould do – or it could have been the fact that the blond woman simply hated it whenthis particular one looked at her this way.

'Well…?' She tried again.

Xena just looked up at the sky casually andthen back at the little warrior, 'Yeah, I think we should get going, besides… ifanything, you wouldn’t want to pass up a night indoors, let alone a warm,home-cooked, rather large meal.' The warrior poked her companion firmly in thestomach playfully, referring to the ‘intimate moments’ the bard had with herfood. 'Maybe they have some bloody pork liver too…' Xena said with afeigned grimace and then smirk. Laughing at her friend’s flushed face, shedisappeared quickly to avoid a well aimed swipe to her rear.

'Arg! Xena, dead or alive, why I put upwith you I’ll never know!' was heard as Gabrielle verbally chastised the airaround her, her frustration with the woman, evident.

'Selaea, that was a wonderful meal, howcan I even thank you once again for your hospitality?' Gabrielle said betweenswallowing a spoonful of vegetable soup, and drinking from her cup of warm goat’smilk. Selaea was surprised but not alarmed, thankfully, by this young woman’s healthyappetite and simply shook her head.

Accept all odds and line changes 2019

'Think nothing of it child but perhapssimple Greek hospitality. I’m just sorry that all we can offer you for the night isan empty space in the barn.' Selaea’s husband, Kulias, said.

'Quite all right, and I thank you, bothof you,' was all Gabrielle said in return, simply smiling at them. She turned to theseat next to her to see Liana smiling back at her, her brown eyes staring at her withchildish intent. 'Dinar for your thoughts, Liana?' the young warrior asked.


'Ummm,' the girl started,'Gabwielle, can you tell a shtory about a plathe you’ve been?'

Gabrielle only smiled, and looked back up atthe child’s parents before speaking, 'Oh gods, you must not know how longit’s been since I’ve told a story to anyone but myself.' She ran her handalmost nervously through her shortly cropped locks, 'And even that has been a longwhile,' looking first at Liana, she faced the Selaea and Kulias, 'Would you mindif I…' she waved her hand in an implying gesture. They both nodded.

'Okay…' the bard took areassuring breath, 'Liana, I’m going to tell you about a wonderful woman, whomeant more to me in this life than life itself. Her name was Xena, a warrior, a friend, apartner, and a soulmate. She could be compassionate, and a hardened warrior…I waslucky enough to meet this woman, and learn from her life’s mysteries one day, a longtime ago, in the small village of Poteidaia…' She continued to tell Xena’sand her life story, about their adventures, and mistakes; how slowly a hardened warrioropened up, and showed her heart; how she began to care. She told about what it means toloose one’s blood innocence and its price on the soul. Her voice often quieted whenspeaking of these moments in their lives. It was during those times that so much changedbetween them. She felt the yearning in her heart as she spoke her words; now reliving manyof the memories she had buried or put aside up until now. For this little girl she foundwords to heal herself, a soothing ointment for her soul. She sang of Dahak, and Hope, ofthe love and pain, and the sorrow and joy of her life; she told the story of the woman whogave her the world, and then left it. '…And Xena, who would always have thatredemption she sought just out of reach, who would always torment herself with the pain ofothers, never allowing herself that which she so desired, found exit in this world throughher tragic death at the hands of a faceless samurai. There are many whom she loves, butonly one she would leave,' Gabrielle pondered her own sorrow-filled words for amoment, 'but then, she never really left me. Everything she’s taught me,everything I remember about her: her touch, her compassion, her strength and love…alltouched and remain in my heart, as does she,' Gabrielle looked up towards thedoorway, the soft tears in the corners of her eyes and down her cheeks, to see Xena,standing there, and a single tear falling from her sapphire eyes. The bard smiled weakly,and drew in a breath of air, her eye’s never leaving the dark warrior’s own asshe spoke, her voice soft and sad, 'This woman is Xena, the greatest warrior, thegreatest woman on earth and the keeper of my heart and soul.'

'That was beautiful Gabrielle,'Xena said, mute to all ears but the bard’s own, and wiping a stray tear from her eye.She walked over to the blond woman, who had closed her eyes with the closing proximitybetween them, to whisper softly in her ear, 'I love you Gabrielle, remember that,always.' She rubbed her forehead against Gabrielle’s gently before turning onher heals outside. The young warrior’s eyes remained closed for a beat, when she feltthe ghostly warmth leave her side. She opened them to see her hosts sitting in front ofher, smiling at her, and then down to the four-year-old child who had moved, and was nowsitting in her lap. Liana looked up at the small woman’s face with sleepy eyes,though she had managed to stay away through it all.

'I think it’s time for bed,sweetie' her father said, picking her up and hugging her to his chest, her legs tightaround his waste. Gabrielle could only smile warmly at the show of affection.

'You have a beautiful daughter,'she said quietly to the couple. They nodded in acknowledgment of the compliment and turnedto leave.

'Why were you cwying, Gabwielle?'Liana asked softly, but just as suddenly.

The sad face of the young warrior looked upto meet innocent eyes once more, and only answered what she could bear to say,'Because I love her, and now…I’m, well I realized I can’t have all ofher.' She didn’t see Xena listening in to that last remark. 'I shouldprobably head out to bed,' she said quietly, 'I’ll be leaving in themorning, thank you Selaea,' she nodded to the woman and then her husband,'Kulias.' She slowly made her way out to the barn with heavy footsteps, andangst driven with the revival of her story and her own honesty of her emotion, still rawto her ears and heart.

Gabrielle laid down on the bedroll she hadspread over a mattress of hay and loose grasses. Curling up on one side, a tear trickledits way down her nose; she had hopes that the dream would not come tonight, of all nights.The sad bard felt the bedding move as a soft, almost empty weight found itself rightbehind her. Xena reached over and wrapped a strong arm over Gabrielle’s waist andpulled her close, her own face inches from the warrior-bard’s own. Leaning in, hervoice resonated in soft whispers to her soulmate, 'If bringing me back is what mustbe done, if for no other reason, then I will do it for you, Gabrielle.' Then asGabrielle was swept away into her nightly cycle of unconsciousness, Xena reached down andkissed her partner’s cheek softly. Xena’s body slowly faded into the night, withonly her soul’s presence felt by the woman she loved. With the fading memories ofXena’s last words, Gabrielle had no nightmares that night; she had only the hope ofXena’s return.

Chapter 4

Gabrielle awoke the next morning feelingoddly nervous and unsure if what had happened last night had all been a dream or not. Xenawas not next to her, but from experience, in her life and now, even in death, she had anidea of where to find her tell friend. Fixing her clothes slightly, and running her handsthrough her hair to quickly work out the small tangles and cowlicks, she walked outsideinto the fields. Sure enough, Xena was doing her drills; even death could not seem to stopthis repetitive morning ritual of lethal grace. Gabrielle stood at the barn door, and justwatched…watched the dark beauty’s every move and sound, and the cat-like gracewhich beheld a part of Xena’s mystery. To watch Xena unseen, even if she knew thatshe had probably been detected, was a thing of wonder, especially for the young woman tothis very day. She was one of the few people who saw the human side to this creature ofdeath, even with this ritual that was the very signifier of the word. Xena stopped, andlooked up, her blue eyes looking straight into Gabrielle’s own green and she smiled.It was hard to admit that this woman was dead, though one had to admit it was truth, evenregrettably, which is what Gabrielle did.

Walking over to Gabrielle she stopped justshort of the smaller woman. Xena looked down, and could sense the confusion andnervousness of her eternal companion; she waited for the smaller woman to speak first.

Almost afraid to speak it, the young womanspoke softly, taking her eyes, fearful of what the answer may be, away from Xena’sown gaze, 'Tell me Xena, was it all a dream, last night…did you really meanit?'

Xena smiled, not a broad smile, but aknowing, loving smile and shook her head, 'No, Gabrielle, it wasn’t a dream, ifit means that much to you…to us… for us to be together in life, then Imeant it. For the sake of love, I’ll do it for you.' She held her arms out andpulled Gabrielle close, her head resting on the smaller shoulder, whispering softly,'I can’t stand to see you so unhappy…it hurts my heart too much,' shekissed the bard’s temple, and just held her for a moment. Pulling away now, she spokeonly the truth behind what it would cost the two of them to get her life back: a way toget it. 'Gabrielle, you realize that in order to do anything we have to have aplan.'

'I have an idea Xena, trust me,'Gabrielle smiled.

'Gabrielle, are you sure this will work?It’s not like anything here has any of his interest at hand.'

'Xena, Ares owes us…if anything hecan tell us how to do it or who can help us, I’m sure of it,' Gabrielle saidconfidently, though there was still a glimmer of doubt. She extended her hand to Xena whotook it, as they walked up the temple steps together.

'Ares, show yourself, we have somethingto ask!' Gabrielle shouted to the seemingly empty room. She mentally prayed he wouldshow up.

In a flash of blue light, the God of Warappeared, it was mildly interesting to see that he retained the gray hairs that had grownon him as a mortal, but that was another issue altogether, and not the way of going aboutwhat the bard and warrior wanted and needed from him.

'For Xena’s bard and protégé, Iwould appear. What do you want, or should I guess?' Ares said, his voice low, coarseand domineering…at least, domineering to those who held only fear for the immortal.He held his fist tucked under his chin, as if amused or in thought.

'I want Xena’s life back,'Gabrielle made her demand simple and blunt.

Ares looked first at the bard and then herghostly companion. 'I can’t do that,' he said simply, no emotion flowingthrough his words, he turned to leave when the blond stopped him in his tracks.

'Why not?!' she demanded.

'Understand me Gabrielle, it’s notthat I wouldn’t do it for Xena, and it’s not that I wouldn’t do itfor you, whom I might add made a stunning impression upon me…' the god pausedwith the slight confusion that washed over the bard’s face, 'Oh, word getsaround the immortals of all religions sooner or later.' He said off handily beforecontinuing, 'But the point it, I can’t bring Xena back. It’s not inmy power to do so.'

'I’m sorry, Gabrielle,' Xenawhispered behind her.

'No Xena,' the warrior-bardinsisted, 'Ares!!! If you can’t help me than find someone who can, you oweus!'

Ares was helpless as far as gods go, thoughhe would never admit it to mortal or god. His face a mask of indifference, as was commonamong the immortals, he spoke, 'Gabrielle, understand me when I say that I alonecannot bring Xena back, for you, for her, or for anyone.' He walked closer, speakingquietly to both of them as if his next words were the ultimate secret, 'But for whatwe have gone through in all the years I’ve known you two, I will try.'

'That’s all I ask,' Gabriellesaid, now turning to Xena, a slight smile grazing her lips, she said quietly,'there’s a chance, Xena' and grinned softly.

'Don’t give your hopes upGabrielle,' were Ares last ominous words, before he disappeared from sight just as hecame.

Gabrielle turned to Xena, who was smiling ather. Quietly she said, 'Well, at least I have hope to hold onto.' Shesmiled and cupped the warrior’s cheek softly before turning to leave, with her tallercompanion in suit.

'Ares it’s a good idea!'Aphrodite insisted from their Olympus home, 'I just think that if Xena and Gabriellewant to be together, we should do what we can to help them.'

'You’re always thinking with yourtitle and not your brain!' Ares said.

'That was a low blow, bro! This comingfrom a guy who spent all his time with an army of thousands to get one woman, Xena,back. All I’m saying is we should at least try and find a way.' Aphroditeturned her attention back to her nails as she listened to her brother.

'Okay, sis, now tell me, do you evenhave a plan in mind? Hmm?'

With the new found attention to her plan, shesat up from the love seat she was lounging on. 'Okay, here’s the deal oh brotherof mine,' she smiled, 'I was listening in a bit on your little conversation withmiss storyteller and well, also, you know I like to check up on the girls. Anyway, I gotto thinkin’ about what it might take to get warrior babe and her bard back together.And I thought, ‘Duh! We could hold council with the gods of the world’ I mean,Ares, think about it, that’s the only way to defy these kind of immortal laws, yaknow…'

'Aphrodite!' the other immortalinterrupted loudly, 'We can’t just have a meeting with the other gods.Especially for this reason…'

'Take a chill pill! And my dear olderbrother, please learn not to interrupt me. As I was saying, don’t ya thinkthey’ve done enough for us, and any of the other gods elsewhere to deserve this?Hmm?'

There was a silence between them for a longmoment before Ares spoke, 'You know sis, that it’s not that easy, Xena andGabrielle have to do their part.'

'Yeah...I know,' the goddess lookeddown regretfully.

Ares let out an exasperated breath,'Let’s get this plan of yours going.'

Chapter 5

'You know Xena, people are going tostart thinking I’m insane if they catch me talking to you,' Gabrielle statedmatter-of-factly to the dark-haired woman sitting next to her. They had stopped for lunch,or at least the Gabrielle had, and the bard found time to ponder her musings.

'But at least they’ll thinkyou’re a happy crazy person,' Xena threw back at the bard, getting a chuckle andgrin from her companion.

'That’s only because you can besuch a big, silly oaf at times, Xena!' Gabrielle pointed to the warrior and laughedas Xena feigned injury.

'Oooh, that hurt Gabrielle, whowould’ve thought the words of such a nice, friendly bard could be so painful,'the warrior mocked.

'You would have.' They bothchuckled at this.

A quick flash of light alerted them to thewar god’s presence. Gabrielle, out of habit developed from years of experience whileliving with the late warrior, immediately took up arms and stood defensively, waiting forany trickery, or attack. Xena stood up behind her, proudly amused with the blond warrior,and waited out the transaction; there would be nothing she could do in her otherwiseintangible form.

'Ares,' Gabrielle acknowledged,'What do you want with us?' She remained wary, hoping he had agreed to helpbring Xena back to the living.

'What do you think?' He raised hishands innocently when the smaller warrior was about to protest, 'Don’t worry,I’m here to help. We…'

'We?' Gabrielle repeatedquestioningly. When Aphrodite made an appearance and smiled at the bard.

'Yes honey, ‘we’,' thegoddess said sincerely, 'We all, have heard about you guys’ little problem, andwe thought we could try to help?'

'How?' the blond woman saidskeptically, but with hope.

'Well sweetpea, Ares and I…well wetalked,' the blond immortal started.

Ares took up from there, 'And we decidedthat the only way, to bring your friend back, was with the powers of the gods of othernations: Norse, Chin, and the southern gods of Africa, among others. We held council amongthem. They have decided to grant Xena her life back, only if you can prove yourself. Youwill have to make a choice in the end, but we cannot tell you yet what it is.'

They waited patiently for a reaction asGabrielle looked at them for a moment, taking in what she had heard. She turned to seeXena behind her and walked back to her. Quietly, they discussed the situation. With a nodfrom the tall warrior, and a dual grin between the couple, they looked up. Speaking forboth of them, a determined bard said, 'We accept.'

With that they were swept up from their campas the two gods disappeared, taking the women with them. They came to the top of a tallhill, overlooking a wide green field that extended as far as the eye could see. Extendinghis arm out in the direction of the masses of grasses and hills, War opened his palm andthe flattened greenery morphed into that of a dense forest. At the end of the forest wherea small clearing was seen, set up with many colorful banners flew, as if honoring a grandtournament. Behind it, was a mountain – a volcano, spewing ominous ashes in clouds ofsmoke over the green valley.

'Out there is where your pathlies,' he said to the pair. At one point you may be reunited with Xena, but for youGabrielle, this is your journey. All of your will must go into this fight for Xena’slife. Do you understand this?' The god bellowed to the warrior-bard. She nodded as hecontinued, 'Everything you see here is real…a ‘simulation’ if youwill. Xena can do almost everything she could in life, including kill, though she is notalive. If this were the real world, none of this would be possible for her. This is notreal life nor is it an illusion. Do not confuse the two. Oh, Gabrielle, do notmisunderstand me, you may live through the ordeal, but your failure resigns Xena to herfate as a spirit. This is a warning,' With that, Ares disappeared out of sight.Aphrodite remained a moment, having been silent throughout. She walked up to the bard andwarrior and gave them a meaningful hug, and whispering her hopes in success, beforedisappearing as Ares had.

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There was a silence as Xena and Gabriellestood atop the hill together.

Xena turned to Gabrielle, 'Forfriendship, and love…I wish you luck, Gabrielle. May we see the end of this journeytogether,' Gabrielle smiled and reached out to hug her partner when Xena started todisappear.

'What’s happening Xena?'Gabrielle said worriedly.

'I don’t know Gabrielle, gonow!' Xena smiled softly and then slowly faded out. With new determination, the blondwoman set out into the unknown.

Gabrielle trudged through the dense greeneryof the forest cautiously, her senses tuned in for any possible attack or surprise. Takingin her surroundings, there wasn’t much light to go by in the event of an attacker.‘Plenty of trees to turn to though,’ she thought, referring to the old Amazontraditions of retreat to the protection of the trees and shrubbery – seeminglyforgotten in the new tribes. On this note she shook her head and sighed. As much as theyclaimed her sisterhood to them, this was not the same tribe she joined. No, it had changedtoo much. She heard a noise off in the distance, not too far up ahead of her. Pausing herin her path, she stood and listened, ready to draw her weapon at a moment’s notice.Whoever – whatever it was, it wasn’t coming out on it’s own accord. Deftly,she moved up silently in the direction of the noise, coming to a thicket. She saw a rabbitand stood up, her guard now lowered with the absence of an ambush. She felt no one’spresence.

'Very good Gabrielle,' a voice saidsarcastically. The young woman heard it behind her, and turned around suddenly, findingCallisto before her: the old, despised, and unredeemed Callisto. She was slouching againsta tree, and looked calm as ever, but her brown eyes played evil trickery wherever theirgaze fell.

'What do you want, Callisto?' Sheasked, purposefully forgetting all that had happened with Callisto’s redemption fromhell.

'I dunno,' she stated casually,giving the surrounding greenery looks of mock interest, 'What? You not happy to seean old friend again?' She smiled, though disdainful irony dripped from herlips as she spoke the words, 'I thought you might be more pleased…what with our historytogether and all.' She smiled, though not one of joy, but of hatred and insanity,'Tell me dear, since your loves have died, one by my had of course and the otherrecently, well…' she walked closer, seeming to break past Gabrielle’sdefenses as she always managed to do, 'I was thinking we could have a broken heart tobroken heart chat? So…do you hate her?'

Gabrielle was trying not to listen, shedidn’t want to hate Xena, and she didn’t hate Xena. But she’d bedamned if this crazy woman didn’t make her want to. In her heart she knew that Xenaonly followed her heart, she didn’t like it, even despised it, but could never hateXena. It was too powerful an emotion to evoke on her love. She shook her head, 'NoCallisto…I don’t, I can’t hate her…'

'Oh but you want to,' the she saidseductively, bringing her hand up to caress the bard’s face in that sickening waythat the bard hated, 'You want to hate her for leaving you…for someone else. Youdon’t really want someone who will only betray you back in your life, do you?'Callisto taunted.

Gabrielle shook her head violently, squirmingaway from the menace that tormented her heart. 'NO! Shut up!'

'What? It hurts too much to admit thetruth, doesn’t it Gabrielle…' the taller woman spoke with an irkingcalmness, 'of course it does, she always hurts you in the end.' She backed awayfrom the irritated bard.

'That’s right Gabrielle,'another voice chimed in, familiar, but unheard of for years to the bard’s ears.

'Najara?' she looked upquestioningly to the face that once promised her peace.

'I told you she would hurt you one day.What with her warring, unpurified ways,' Gabrielle shook her head violently withdenial to the harsh, yet calmly spoken remarks, 'She’s corrupted the light inyou,' the zealot continued, 'it’s for the best she left you…'

'She left you…' Callistorepeated.

'She left you,' A familiar voicesaid, but the bard didn’t dare look up, she knew who it was: a mirror image ofherself, Hope.

' I said SHUT UP! Damn you, I loveher,' Hot tears of pain and hate flowed over her flushed cheeks and she covered herears to block out the echoing mockery, 'I can’t hate her for that, she made achoice, and now we’re righting it!' In a fit of raw anger, she drew her swordand jabbed it through her the crazed zealot who disappeared, unharmed. Gabrielle slashedviolently at the visions of Hope, screaming at the hated sight, her green eyes wild withloathsome rage. Callisto simply stood there, not the least bit intimidated by the coldstares of the angry woman.

'Well…' she said, theever-present contempt still oozing from her flirtatious voice, 'I guess you’llhave to prove just how much you care for your love in the end.' She pouted her lipsin familiar jest, 'But, my little brat, just remember what we’ve learned heretoday.' Callisto gave her an annoyingly coy and sadistic smile that left the smaller,and already boiling, woman cold. With a spontaneous round of thrashes, Gabrielle aimed tostrike her nemesis who disappeared, unscathed, and laughing inanely as she had always donein past years of torment.

Gabrielle felt the hot tears of her defiancerunning down her face and she collapsed to her knees. Callisto was partially right, butthe young warrior would never let her own jealousy consume her again, she wouldn’tlet that woman ruin what she held dearest in her heart.

'Xena…' She whispered softlyto only the forest around her, and no one else. She wiped the salty moisture from her eyesand took a deep breath before running off to complete her journey.

Chapter 6

Xena awoke in a tent, not even rememberinghow she had fallen asleep, let alone in the unfamiliar surroundings. She sat up took takeit all in better and felt the soft texture of thick cotton surround her body. Lookingdown, she was dressed in a very eastern look. Her legs covered in black pants that mightbe considered harem pants, and her upper body adorned in a loose tunic of like coloringcovering all except her hands, though her head and face were left unmasked. From hertravels – particularly those that had gotten her dead in the first place – sherecalled a special warrior, a spy more or less called the ninja. They were masters ofevery fighting technique, and she had only heard the stories of their exploits. She onlyknew this much and that they were a neutral fighting trust who would not take sides for abattle, but would aid both nonetheless. Why she was dressed as such a fighter, she couldnot figure out.

Standing up, she walked over quietly to thetent entrance, seeing two guards posted. Somehow she deemed this a part of the plan to gether back to life, but for the life – or death – of her, could not figure outwhy. Not one to be content without answers, she poked her head out. Outside she saw thetournament field, or what she thought to be one, that she and Gabrielle had seen from adistance. She looked over at the man before her to her right. To her left there was awoman guard, perhaps half a hand shorter than herself. That was a surprise to Xena only inthat women were rarely made to stand watch in the male dominant world she knew –unless you were an amazon of course.

She turned to the woman guard,'What’s going on over there?' she asked.

'A fight,' she said curtly, Xenaonly gave her an amused and somewhat confused look, before the woman guard looked up,'Weren’t you told? You are to fight a warrior to the death.'

What in Tartarus does death have to do withmy life? Xena asked herself. Waiting a beat, she looked down, 'Who am Ifighting?'

'I can’t tell you, because Idon’t know. Both of you will be masked anyway. Now get back in the tent before I haveto force you in.' Her voice was stern and commanding, neither of which concerned theexperienced warrior, but she obliged nevertheless.


'Where are you Gabrielle?' Sheasked the air around her, not expecting an answer.

Gabrielle came to a clearing, and saw thatfield she and Xena had observed from afar. There were tents scattered and banners flying. Definitelyfor a show of some kind, she mused to herself. Nearby the heard the rustling of leavesand turned her attention to it. Caught off guard, about five men stepped out, all armedand directed to her.

'Gabrielle, no one will hurt you, comewith me,' one of them chimed in. The young warrior did not flinch when he knew hername…after the excitement of her previous encounters, she didn’t doubt thatthere could be much else in the way of surprises.

'Where are we going?' she asked, atouch concerned that she had no idea who these men were.

'There is a fight, and you are one ofthe participants,' The leader said back.

'A fight?!' Gabrielle found herselfstopping in her tracks a moment before being pushed forward.

'Yes,' was the only answer she gotfrom him.

They walked along until they reached anassortment of tents. Shoving her gently, the guard handed her a folded pile of dark navycloths. 'Put those one, you will be asked to fight with the mask on, so don’tforget it.'

Gabrielle nodded in acknowledgment. As themen who escorted her had left, she sat down a moment on a small stool provided for her.Now confused, and not knowing what to do or what was going on, besides there being ‘afight’, she sighed and made quick work of changing.

'It’s time,' a gruff voiceechoed in Xena’s ears and her attention was now acute. She nodded resigning herselfto this fight. She walked out to a field and saw her opponent. She sized the smallerwarrior up with her eyes. The clothes prevented her from distinguishing a sex, but he wasabout Gabrielle’s height and looked sturdy. Just the way her opponent walked, sheassumed ‘he’ – for lack of a better substitute – was well built andformidable. Still, there was something oddly familiar about his presence, very oddly.

Gabrielle stood out on her end of the field,her opponent stood, and the warrior-bard knew ‘he’ was looking at her. Shedidn’t know why she always assumed a masked, unknown figure was given the male titleautomatically. Strangely enough, her taller opponent had an air of femininity, making agender harder to distinguish. There was something very strange indeed, for there was apersonal familiarity to the tall form across the field.

They were handed simple, but well craftedswords. They both tested the weight in their hands. Xena grinned beneath her mask at thesimilar habit of the other fighter. Walking out to the center of the green arena, theystopped short several feet apart, neither of them pinpointing the aura of familiaritybetween them. Before either of them made eye contact, a voice was heard overhead near thebalcony. Strange, they both thought, that wasn’t there before.

'This, is a fight to the death!' amale voice shouted, 'No one is to speak, not even the fighters. Any refusal to do sowill result in your own deaths.' In an amusing way, there was no one but the guards,the current speaker, or Xena and Gabrielle who could talk and break the rules. Thatis… until they both looked up to see who he was talking about, and saw a crowd ofshouting and cheering people. 'Let the fight, begin!' was the cry; the crowdsfell silent and both women stood back a moment, before pulling their weapons up, now readyfor the challenge.

Circling each other for a moment, Xena struckfirst, taking a backhanded sweep with her blade as she aimed for the smallerwarrior’s neck. It was blocked with ease and the navy fighter stepped back to relievethe tension before making her own sweep to Xena’s side and then a quick jab at thechest as the first move was blocked followed by the next blow. Gabrielle could feel theheat between them, and her opponent was strong, and very good. Too good, shethought as she blocked a thrust to her gut. This continued as they kept their eyes on eachother, but were too up in the moment of concentration to really think about the surge offamiliar presence they had. Xena took a kick to the jaw from Gabrielle and another in herstomach, throwing her off for a moment, but not long enough for the smaller woman as Xenalunged with an overhead strike. Gabrielle felt the strain of the blow and lost herbalance. Xena released the lock she had, and came around with a sweep, knocking the bardoff her feet. Not willing to give up, when the next blow came from the taller warrior, sheblocked and held it as Xena strained to crush the navy covered warrior. Their eyes met,jade to sapphire and it hit them in the gut harder than any of the initiated blows betweenthem. Like a bolt of electricity they separated as if stung with a burning wound.

'Gabrielle?' Xena said, panting.She couldn’t believe she had been fighting the woman who meant everything and more toher, and tried to kill her. Most off all, the lack or recognition on her part weighedheavily on her heart and made her feel sick.

The bard too felt this, and nearly retched onthe spot before regaining her composure. She had tried to kill her best friend andsoulmate. How could I have not recognized her? This question baffled both of theirminds and they were oblivious to the harassing shouts of the tournament host and thecrowd. All they could do was pull each other into a tight embrace and held it for whatseemed an eternity, tears welled up in both their eyes as neither of them could believewhat had happened, or how they let it happen.

'I’m sorry Gabrielle,' Xenaspoke first, shaking her head in disbelief. Gabrielle on her part could only shake herhead, still speechless from the ordeal. They stayed that way for what seemed foreverbefore a man and woman guard came out to greet them, only the greeting looked anything butfriendly. The man who was announcing the fight came out too.

'You need to kill her!' Theyshouted, 'it’s in the rules, Xena…you must obey them. Kill yourfriend.'

'I can’t,' Xena said, removingher mask as her blackened hair fell out, 'I won’t,' She stood in front ofGabrielle, 'and I don’t want to.'

The woman guard, the same who had spoken tothe blue eyed warrior earlier, 'What if we said that was the way to come back tolife? Hmm, your bard here even said she would give up her life without hesitation for thereturn of yours.'

'I can’t, I won’t let you dothis Gabrielle,' Xena said, turning to her partner. Gabrielle started to protest, butwas silenced by two long fingers in her lips. 'No, Gabrielle, I don’tcare,' she said quietly, 'I would rather spend an eternity by your side as aghost, than an eternity in heaven without you… If,' her words became softer witha quiet pain, 'if your desire is to live without me until your time comes, I acceptyour decision. I won’t have you sacrificing yourself for my life, and I don’tthink I could forgive myself if I was the hand that took your life away for mine.'

Gabrielle felt tears in her eyes and caressedher soulmate’s cheek softly, 'It was a good try then Xena,' she sniffled,'I love you.' She pulled herself into Xena’s chest and held her tightly,never wanting to let go.

'You can still have your life backXena,' came the familiar voice of Ares.

'Stay back you bastard!' theangered warrior said, her blue eyes ignited with an internal fire, 'You put us up tothis...impossible task, you know I could never kill her.'

Aphrodite appeared, changing from the womanfigure into her own, 'Xena, this was a test.'

'A test?' Xena exhaled with a mixof exasperation, anger and annoyance, 'of what? You know I will do anything forGabrielle, and you also know I won’t stoop to killing her, even for my ownlife!'

'It wasn’t to prove that you wouldkill her, or not, it was to see how far you would go, and what you would do when thewindow of opportunity came…how you would react, if you could find Gabrielle in hereyes alone and not care if you stayed dead,' the goddess sighed, 'We knew hewhole time you would pass, but you had to prove it to all the gods…'

'Now what?' Gabrielle chimed inwith an optimistic hope in her voice, 'What’s left to do?'

Ares spoke first to both of them, 'Inorder to be brought back to life, you both need to sacrifice. Xena, you need to sacrificeGabrielle and Gabrielle your life for Xena’s. But you both get them returned,'he added hastily, 'If the love you two share is pure, are you willing to throwyourselves into the volcano for each other, knowing it might not work?'

There was silence. The bard spoke first,'Alright…I’ll do it, for love.' She managed a weak smile.

'Gabrielle…' her tallcompanion started.

'No Xena, we have to put our trustsomewhere,' the blond warrior spoke calmly, 'lets do it with each other.'

'Alright' Xena said weakly as shebroke into a proud grin. They walked hand in hand up the mountain, with only each otherand the love they shared between them.

Chapter 7

'Gabrielle, are you…'

'Yes…I’m sure, Xena,' thebard answered calmly. They neared the top of the volcanic mountain and could feel the heatradiating towards them. Up ahead, they saw a cloaked figure, it was obviously male fromthe masculine voice that came from his figure.

'Are you prepared to risk everything,for her life, Gabrielle? You said so before, can you say it now?' He asked solemnlyin a thick, unnerving monotone. She nodded and swallowed. Xena did the same. 'Thencome with me to the edge of your fate.' They walked over tentatively, but with eachother found nothing but confidence and pride.

The elderly man told them he would recite theincantations, and then they would jump together. Time stood still as he prepared hisprayer. 'From the earth we are born, and to the earth we return,' he shouted,'Through the fires of conflict and the binding of souls, true love isredeemed…'

His chanting continued, but neither Xena norGabrielle heard it. They simply looked at each other, their shared gaze of green and bluenever parted between them while everything seemed to halt around them.

'I love you Xena…' Gabriellesaid quietly.

'I love you too Gabrielle,' Theysmiled knowingly at each other, and only heard the ending of the incantation.

'…Return to the earth if yourhearts are worthy, and may two halves of one soul, be reunited on earth, as they are meantto be!' There was a deafening silence, not even they wind was heard. The warrior andbard’s breath became labored and all focus rested on each other. They nodded to eachother and jumped into the molten lava, never releasing the grip on each other’shands. Neither felt the burning of heat, nor thought of anyone or anything but her eternalcompanion at her side.

Gabrielle felt warmth, a solid tangiblewarmth across her skin. She didn’t want to stand up, or pull away...didn’t wantto do anything that would prove this an illusion. She was too afraid it wasn’t real.It smelled like Xena, so refreshingly like Xena…she had missed it. Ghosts don’thave scents, no matter how much you can hold them and still wish they smelled human. Shedidn’t even open her eyes, it was too much to take in, too much not to be real andshe didn’t want it to end. She felt a gentle stroking on her back through the thickfabric of her tunic, she not only felt the fingertips, but they had weight to them. Shereluctantly pulled back and found a face so familiar, that it was the most beautiful thingto look at.

Xena smiled only the smile she could, notsaying a word. She held her hands up and looked at them. To her they felt, different;death feels so much different than life, and yet, when one is a ghost who can hold people,the reality never sets in. They hadn’t spoken and the warrior held out her handGabrielle’s face and could feel warmth – her own against someone else’s.She stroked the bard’s face lightly.

'We’re back,' Xena managedsoftly. Gabrielle nodded and pulled herself back into a warm hug, her face resting lightlyon the warrior’s chest. They held each other for several minutes more before Xenastood up to stretch, pulling her companion up with her. Still adorned in the clothes theyfought in, they walked off hand in hand to the nearby marketplace. Gabrielle smiled whenshe saw a familiar street vendor selling scrolls, and smiled wider when she looked upagain at her soulmate grinning back at her, with all the love anyone could ask for andmore.

'Welcome home, Xena…'Gabrielle said for only the warrior’s ears.

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'Only if you’re with me.' Theysmiled and started to walk off to an unknown destination.

'Gabrielle?' Xena asked quietly,her eyes still focused on the undefined road before her.

'Yes, Xena?' Gabrielle respondedcuriously.

Accept All Odds And Line Changes Betway

Xena’s face took on a mischievous smirkas she turned to face the bard, 'Do you think we can practice that water passingthing again anytime soon? I’m thinking it may come in handy and you know what theysay, ‘practice makes perfect.'

Accept All Odds And Line Changes Date

Gabrielle only grinned while takingXena’s arm in her’s as they walked off to live another day by each other’sside.