How To Make Money Off Scratch Tickets

  1. Diy Scratch Off Tickets
  2. How To Pick Winning Scratch Off Tickets
How To Make Money Off Scratch TicketsHow

Diy Scratch Off Tickets

Summary Here is everything you need to know which scratch off ticket games are the best to play. Learn how to spot games with good chances of paying prizes. Scratch off lottery tickets are fun games to. This essentially stops any abuse from players who are looking to take advantage of a casino, without genuinely risking their own money. Your Guide To Playing Scratch Off Lottery Tickets. Pick Your Ticket - Picking your ticket isn't always going to be as simple as putting the money in and selecting which ticket you want. Technically speaking, that's all there is to the process of buying a ticket, but what's more important here is that you purchase a ticket.

How To Pick Winning Scratch Off Tickets

I'll never look at old lottery tickets the same way.
Read this article and neither will you!

Instant Lottery Tickets -
How To Make Money With Losing Lottery Tickets

Buying and scratching instant lottery tickets is something that almosteveryone has done at one time or another. For some folks it's probablysomething they do too often. I guess for me, the bad buying habit isjunk food. If I had spent my extra money on instant lottery ticketsover the years, I may have been rich by now instead of overweight. Likeanything, whether it's food or gambling one must do it in moderation,and that is often not easy to do.
Here in the state of Pennsylvania where I live, the first scratch offticket came out in 1975, and they have been a big hit ever since.

I have bought instant lottery tickets of every availableprice range in my state. I usually buy the $1 - $2 tickets, but once inawhile I buy a $5 - $10 ticket, and one time, I purchased a $20 instantticket. I won nothing on the $20 ticket, not even $1 or a FREE ticket,so that was like throwing away my $20. You would think that with havingto spend that much money, they would give everyone at least a FREE $1ticket or something. I thought afterwards that I was kind of foolishfor spending and losing the $20 on one ticket, but heck as they say,'If you don't play, you can't win !', it was a gamble, and I didn't winthat time. I have known two individuals who each won near $20,000 oninstant lottery tickets. So I can say for sure, 'yes, some folks do winit big.'
Unlike the live lottery that is usually drawn by pickingnumbers, the instant lottery is pre-determined months ahead of it'srelease. The tickets are designed and printed, then they aredistributed to the lottery retailers throughout the state. Most smallconvenience stores offer instant lottery tickets, as well as the largechain stores. You can usually find them in a vending machine withmultiple styles and price ranges to choose from, or they are at thecashiers area on the counter or behind a shielded section. Instantlottery tickets sell for as low as $1 and as high as $20 each in moststates of the U.S. but some states may have tickets that sell for evenmore than $20 each.
States do instant lotteries to help fund many different programs. Forinstance in Pennsylvania, the lottery is used to generate funds tobenefit programs for the Commonwealth's older residents. In Ohio, since1974, the Lottery has provided more than $13 billion to publiceducation. Annually, the lottery provides about 4.5 percent of thefunding needed for Ohio's public education. In Missouri, approximately27.3 cents of every dollar spent on the Lottery benefits educationprograms; 61.6 cents goes back to players as prizes, 5 cents is usedfor administrative costs and 6.1 cents goes to retailers in the form ofcommissions, incentives and bonuses. In all, more than 93 cents ofevery dollar stays in Missouri. It's different for every state, but thelottery is very beneficial despite the few problems it can cause tosome, in the form of gambling addictions.
Most folks buy instant (scratch off) tickets, and if they don't winanything, they throw the tickets in the trash. Did you know that everytime you throw a losing instant lottery ticket in the trash, you arethrowing money away ? Yes, there are literally hundreds if notthousands of folks around the world that would love to buy your ticketsfrom you. I have seen losing lottery tickets sell for as high as $15each, these were tickets that had no redeemable value. I once went to alocal convenience store and asked them if I could have a bag of losinginstant lottery tickets I saw they had on the floor behind the counter.The clerk gladly gave them to me, I took the tickets home and afterchecking through them all, I found two that were $1 winners that werenot redeemed, and I sold the remaining losing tickets for $30, and thestore was just going to throw them away.
Where did I sell them ? On eBay. I happened to look one day and Inoticed there was losing instant lottery tickets for sale on the eBayauction website. There are folks selling non-winning, so called'worthless' lottery tickets on eBay all the time. I just did a searchnow while writing this article, and I found over 100 different auctionlistings for them. Who buys these non-winning lottery tickets ?Collectors.
Instant Lottery Ticket collecting is fast becoming a big thing. Thereare groups and individuals all around the world, that love collectinglottery tickets. There are many websites, discussion groups and forumsnow just for lottery ticket collecting. In fact there is even a newterm or name for an instant lottery ticket collector: LOTOLOGIST, andthe instant lottery ticket collecting hobby is called: LOTOLOGY. To seehow big this hobby is becoming just visit your favorite search engine,such as GOOGLE, and do a search for: lotologist OR lotology. And youcan find many sites collecting, selling and buying used non-winninginstant lottery tickets.
One unique website is the 'Pennsylvania Lottery Merchandise Museum' -They will buy or accept donations of Pennsylvania Lottery Merchandise.The Museum has all of their lottery merchandise online for visitors toeasily view, you can visit the museum at this website address:
There is Computer Software that is made just for collecting instantlottery tickets. The software is called: ' Lottery Ticket CollectorProfessional ', you can download and try the software for free at thiswebsite address:
By Robert W. Benjamin
Copyright � 2006
You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your website as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and withoutmodification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.
Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internetfor over 5 years, and has been producing low-cost software for the past25+ years. He first released software on the AMIGA and C64 computersystems in the late 1970's-80's.
RB59 Software